The Ephesian Ekklesia

Dr. Philip Roberts • July 28, 2023

Ephesians has often been referred to as the Grand Canyon of the New Testament. This designation is due to its depth and profundity, particularly in reference to the doctrine of the church.

In the fourth chapter the apostle Paul gives us a critical insight into several key dynamics of the church and its functions. First, Paul addresses the plan for its spiritual structure and organization. Verses 9-11 make clear that the Lord Jesus Christ himself is the overseer, guide, and director for the life of His spiritual body - the people of God. But He exercises that leadership through God’s called and gifted servants - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

• Apostles - missionary church planters

• Prophets - preachers who proclaim the Word of God - forth-tellers more than foretellers

• Evangelists - to call people to faith In Christ

• Pastors - to shepherd those who are brought to faith

• Teachers - who may be grouped with pastors to disciple and shepherd the saved people of God To what end are they called?

Evangelism and discipleship for all the saints to do the work of the ministry (that’s what is revealed in verses 12 and 13). So all the church is to be engaged in ministry under Godgifted and called leaders as delineated above!

The whole church, the entire body of the people of God doing the work of the ministry is how the church ideally should function. That is when the church is at its best. But when it’s not - and we must admit that much of the time and in many, if not most, places, it is not - there are problems and greater spiritual challenges in the church as well as in the culture.

That is why Paul points out these issues in verse 15: Children tossed about by every wind of doctrine and deception on every hand. Sound familiar? Does is sound too much like the modern western church? The church in America?

We must get back to the basics. God called and spiritually gifted leadership, training and equipping all the people of God to do the work of the ministry - all of it for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of our Lord.

Continuing then on a positive note, Paul writes “but speaking the truth in love [we] may grow up in all things into Him who is the head - Christ.” (v. 15) That is the church at its best, its fullest, to most fruitful and productive in every respect.

May it be so for all of God’s people as we obediently serve Christ, evangelize the lost, and make disciples!


Dr. Phil Roberts is a Southern Baptist titan. Roberts is the former President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Former VP of North American Mission Board. Roberts has held distinguished professorships on Missions & Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Roberts pastored 3 churches in Europe and was Dean of Emmanuel Baptist Seminary in Romania. Roberts graduated BA Georgetown College, MDiv Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and PhD Free University Amsterdam. He is a published Author and Theologian. He and his wife Anna have 2 children & grandchildren. 

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