Faith Theological Seminary of Catonsville is a religious educational institution operating in the State of Maryland pursuant to a Religious Exemption granted by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), without a Certificate of Approval from the Commission, as specified in the Code of Maryland Regulations 13B.02.04. Under this exemption granted July 21, 2021, Faith Theological Seminary of Catonsville can offer religious education and the granting of the following six religious educational degrees (with concentrations): Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies; Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies; Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Master of Divinity; Doctor of Ministry; Doctor of Philosophy.
Faith Theological Seminary (FTS) is incorporated under the 501c3 nonprofit registration of Grace Bible Baptist Church (GBBC). GBBC is a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service code of 1986, as amended, section 501(c)(3) and section 170 of the code.
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